Revised "General Agreement for Account Transaction"


Please take note of the important revision (addition of provisions of (4) and (5) below) to the General Agreement for Account Transaction as follows. This will be effective on June 1, 2019.

Article 8 Closure/Termination

4.In addition to the preceding Paragraph, when any of the following events occurs, and when it is inappropriate to continue transactions with the customer, Metrobank-Japan may suspend, without prior notice to the customer, Account Transaction or close/terminate the relevant account by giving notice to the customer:

  • (4) Metrobank-Japan may confirm various matters and/or request the customer to provide documents by required deadline in order to well understand the customer’s information and/or concrete transaction details. When the customer doesn’t reply without acceptable reason by the required deadline;
  • (5) When Metrobank-Japan judges there is possibility of violation against laws and regulations related to Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and/or Economic Sanctions, by taking into account of the customer’s reply on the various confirmation and requirement of documents stated in above (4), concrete transaction details, the customer’s explanation and other matters.
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