ID for New Individual Client (Non face-to-face contact)


Partial revision of Ordinance for Enforcement of Japan AML Act (Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds) was issued on 30 November, 2018, and Revision of Required ID for New Registration of New Individual Client through Non face-to-face contact shall be in forced on 1 April, 2020.

Regulatory Requirement (1 and 2 below)
  1. (Revised requirement) One of the following IDs/Supplemental Documents from Individual (Natural Person) are required to be submitted.
    1. (For only Japanese Nationals) 1 (one) original ID (multiple issue, example, original of certificated copy of Residence Certificate, Certificate of Seal Registry) or;
    2. 2 (two) type of IDs (with/without photo) indicating current address, or
    3. 1 (one) ID (with/without photo) indicating current address (note 1) + supplemental document (payment receipt of utility bills, etc.) indicating current address (note 2).
      • (note 1) If there is no current address on ID, 2 supplemental documents indicating current address
        are required.
      • (note 2) Supplemental document of family member whose last (sir) name and current indicated
        address are same as the individual (Natural Person) is acceptable. However, n case of above (note 1), only 1 (one) supplemental document of the family member is acceptable.

        <Special Remarks>
        1. Japanese Nationals:
          • Driver’s License (DL)
          • Individual Number Card (so-called “My number card”)
          • Health Insurance Card
          • Disabled Person Card
          • Residence Certificate (issued within 3 months from the date of application)
          • Japanese Passport (with current residential address stated on the last page)

            (Supplemental document indicating current address)
            Please see b. (Supplemental document indicating current address) below.
        2. Foreign Nationals:
          • Resident Card (ZAIRYU Card) is the mandatory required ID.(Above (1) (i.) is not applicable.)
          • In addition to one of above documents, following ID/Supplemental document is also required depend on case of above (ii.) or (iii.) of (1).
            • (ii.) Resident Card + (ID) Health Insurance Card, Residence Certificate, etc. described above (a.)
            • (iii.) Resident Card + (Supplemental document indicating current address)
              • Payment receipt of National tax or Local tax, or Tax certificate
              • Payment receipt of Social insurance premiums
              • Payment receipt of utility bills (Electricity, Gas, Water)(note)

                (note)Payment receipt of phone is not acceptable.
                Invoice and Notice of account transfer are not acceptable.
  2. (Same as current) And Financial Institutions is required to send Forward-prohibited registered mail to the address indicated on the submitted ID/Supplemental Documents.

We would like to ask your kind understanding and cooperation.

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