Discontinuance of MUFG KOJIMACHI Branch Remittance Service


Thank you very much for using Metrobank Japan Branches for sending your remittances to the Philippines.

We regret to inform you that starting June 30, 2023 (3:00PM), remittances sent to Metrobank Tokyo’s account number 1125983 with MUFG-Kojimachi Branch will no longer be accepted.

Please make use of Metrobank Easy Transfer Service (METS) to enjoy 24/7 remittance services with charges as low as 750 yen for a faster and more convenient way of sending funds – araw araw, gabi gabi!

For your convenience, we will send a METS-MUFG account number starting June 16, 2023 by postal mail to active remitters with only 1 registered beneficiary. (Please contact us for further inquiries.) For remitters with more than 1 registered beneficiary, please apply using the links below:


* Note: 1 METS account number per receiving beneficiary in the Philippines

To request for an application form by mail or other inquiries, kindly reach out to us with our contact information noted below.

Thank you very much for the continuous patronage.

Tokyo Branch:

TEL: 03-5281-7281
FAX: 03-5281-7282
EMAIL: MBTOKYO@metrobank.co.jp
ADDRESS: 1F Kandabashi Park Bldg. 1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054

Osaka Sub-branch:

TEL: 06-7711-1315
FAX: 06-7709-9243
EMAIL: MBOSAKA@metrobank.co.jp
ADDRESS: 3F Osaka Kokusai Building, 2-3-13 Azuchi-machi, Chuou-ku, Osaka 541-0052

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