April 25, 2019
(Revised Oct. 31, 2022)

Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company Tokyo Branch together with its Osaka Sub-branch (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) has adopted a resolution to apply “Policy for Customer-Oriented Business Operation” announced by J-FSA and shall hereby disclose its policy. The Bank shall periodically review the policy to improve business operation.

Pursuit for best interest of each customer

The Bank shall pursuit best interest for customers by seeking following points.

  • To be the trust financial partner by relying on trust, honesty, integrity and providing service/product suitable for customers’ needs.
  • To develop and enhance the abilities of our people and organization as professionals with integrity and passion for service to customers.
  •  To seek highest standards of corporate governance, exercising accountability, fairness, and transparency across all of business operations.
  • To comply with related regulations on the control of customer information obtained through business operation and pursue thoroughly appropriate its handling.

Appropriate control on conflict of interests

The Bank shall follow “Conflict of Interest Management Policy”, and create/maintain conflict of interest management system and manage transactions that may cause conflict of interests so as to prevent the interests of customers from being unjustly impaired.

Clear disclosure on charges

The Bank shall endeavor to clearly disclose and explain (i) which charge is on what service/products and (ii) details of charges for customers’ sufficient understanding.

Clear explanation on important information

The Bank shall endeavor to clearly explain important information for customers’ easy understanding on provided service/products.

Adequate service suitable to each customer

The Bank shall endeavor to provide and follow up proper service/products to reflect on customer’s needs by well hearing their needs and reply promptly and properly for inquiry from the customers.

Framework to provide appropriate motivation toward employees

The Bank shall endeavor to cultivate and keep mind of all of the employees on customer-oriented business operations through internal education and training.
