How To Remit

How to send money to the Philippines?

You can remit to the Philippines using a remittance card or a unique remittance account number.

You must first register as a remitter along with your beneficiary’s information with either Metrobank Tokyo Branch or Metrobank Osaka Sub-Branch.
You can register online or through postal mail.
After processing your application, your remittance card/account number will be sent to your mailing address. For details, please check our How to Send Money to the Philippines page.

How to Apply

How do I apply for Metrobank's remittance services?

New Registration can be done by 1. online registration or 2. postal mail.

For details, please check our How to Apply for Remittance Service page.

Add Beneficiary/Update Information

How to add beneficiaries or amend your personal or beneficiary information?

Add beneficiaries or update your information 1. online or 2. by postal mail.

You will be required submit a copy of your valid ID along with your application. Please see some examples of acceptable valid IDs provided below.

For Foreigners
Residence card (both sides)
For Japanese Nationals
Ex. Driver’s license (both sides with present address)

For details, click here to know more about our various procedures.

Remittance Tracking Service

How can I check if the money I sent was delivered to my beneficiary?

You can check your remittance status using our Remittance Tracking Service.

Using the link provided below, input the Reference Number written in your remittance receipt. This tracking service is only available in English.
Click here to use our Remittance Tracking Service.
※Some service features may not be available on some browsers. Thank you for your understanding.

Remittance Charges

How much are the remittance charges?

Please refer to the table below.

  Easy Postal Remit Card (EPRC) Metrobank Easy Transfer Service (METS)
YEN to PESO ¥1,000 to ¥30,000 ¥750 ¥1,000 to ¥30,000 ¥750
¥30,001 to ¥50,000 ¥1,200 ¥30,001 to ¥50,000 ¥1,200
¥50,001 and above ¥1,500 ¥50,001 and above ¥1,500
YEN to DOLLAR *1 N/A ¥1,000 to ¥30,000 ¥750
¥30,001 to ¥50,000 ¥1,200
¥50,001 and above ¥1,500
YEN to YEN *2 N/A ¥1,000 to ¥30,000 ¥1,750
(¥750 + ¥1,000(Lifting Charge))
¥30,001 to ¥50,000 ¥2,200
(¥1,200 + ¥1,000(Lifting Charge))
¥50,001 and above ¥1,500円 + Lifting Charge
(0.75% of remittance amount、minimum of ¥1,000)

*1: Credit to Metrobank dollar and other dollar bank accounts
*2: Credit to Metrobank Yen account only

  Genkin Kakitome (GK) Over the Counter (OTC)
YEN to PESO N/A ¥3,000
FBAS *1 ¥5,000 ¥5,000
YEN to USD *2 N/A ¥3,000
YEN to YEN *3 N/A ¥3,000 + Lifting Charge
(0.75% of remittance amount、minimum of ¥1,000)

*1: Opening of Philippine based Peso accounts
*2: Credit to Metrobank dollar and other bank dollar accounts
*3: Credit to Metrobank yen account only

Inward Remittance

Yen Inward Remittance ¥1,500 + Lifting Charge (0.05% of the remittance amount not less than ¥2,500)
USD Inward RemittanceReceiving in USD: $20.00 + Lifting Charge (1% of the remittance amount not less than $25.00)
Receiving in YEN: ¥2,500

Other Fees and Charges

Amendment Fee (Tracer)¥1,000 to ¥3,000
Remittance Certification¥1,000/year
Courier Charge¥5,000
(Card Reissuance)
(from 6th card owner)
(Debit Account Request)

Tokyo Branch & Osaka Sub-Branch Accounts

Account Statement¥100

Rate Disclaimer

Foreign exchange rates to be applied to overseas remittances may be changed by Metrobank without prior notice, depending on the market fluctuation.
Early morning exchange rate is shown until 10:30AM. After 10:30AM, today’s exchange rate is shown.

How to Contact / Visit

How do I contact / visit Metrobank Japan?

Visit our About Us page to learn about our contact details or how to visit us.

Financial Alternative Dispute Resolution / Japanese Bankers Association (JBA) [Zenginkyo] Customer Relations Center

The JBA Customer Relations Center is operated by the JBA as a contact point for receiving consultations and inquiries about banks and for receiving your views or complaints about banks. Consultations and inquiries, etc. are free.
For details, go to website:
Customers whose disputes with a bank seem insurmountable should use the “Mediation Committee”.
For more information, contact the JBA Customer Relations Center.

0570-017109 or 03-5252-3772
Days Open:
Monday to Friday
(Except public holidays and bank holidays)
Business Hours:
9AM to 5PM

※The JBA is a designated dispute resolution institution under the Banking Act and Norinchukin Bank Law.

Existing Bank Accounts or Credit Cards

Who should I contact regarding Philippine-based Metrobank bank accounts and/or credit cards?

For Philippine-based Metrobank account holders who requires support on the following:

  • Withdrawal of funds from bank account
  • Online banking (registration, login, shopping, etc.)
  • Credit cards

Metrobank Tokyo Branch and Osaka Sub-branch wish to advise said clients who have inquiries to kindly contact the appropriate Domestic Metrobank branch.
You may also contact the Metrobank Contact Center:

Metrobank Contact Center (Philippines) Contact Information

Open a Bank Account in Japan

How can I apply for a Metrobank bank account in Japan?

The opening of a Philippine-based bank account in Japan is available for Philippine Nationals only. Please see our Metrobank OFW Peso ATM Savings Account page for more details.


What is Metrobank’s SWIFT Code?

8-digit SWIFT Code: MBTCPHMM