E-Statement Promo: +0.0025 on Exchange Rate
E-statement is a service used for receiving remittance statements by e-mail instead of postal mail
For individual customers using METS (Metro Easy Transfer service), and EPRC (Easy Postal Remit Card), you can change to the method of receiving by e-mail to your smartphone or home PC.
For Existing Remitters:
(METS or EPRC Users)
- Contact us by telephone, Email, or FB to send you our E-Statement Invitation Email*
- Simply click the “ACCEPT” button in the email.
- Fast automated enrollment.
For New Registrations:
- Contact us by telephone, Email, or FB to send you an Overseas Remittance Application Form
- Simply fill out forms.
- Check your choice of service** – METS(MUFG/SMBC/Resona) or EPRC
- Mail back all requirements enclosing copies of valid ID and receive your confirmation within one banking week.
* Valid email address is required for this service.
** Specific Terms and Conditions apply.
METS via SMBC, MUFG & RESONA BANK (Bank Transfer)