Exchange Rate ??-???-????  (Disclaimer)


Morning exchange rate is shown until 10:30AM. After 10:30AM, Today’s exchange rate is shown.

Remittance FAQs

Welcome to the Metrobank Tokyo branch and Osaka sub-branch general questions and answers section. Each year we update the answers to reflect the latest changes in our remittance procedure. These questions and answers came from remitters like you. We hope you find them helpful and informative. Please let us know if you encounter any problems or have suggestions. To send a comment, go to our comments and feedback by email page. Please use the word FAQ in your comment. If you don’t find the answer to your question below, please call our office.

How to Remit

How to Remit

Q: How to remit money to Philippines?

  • A. Listed below are the easy steps in sending money to the Philippines.
    1. Register as a remitter with Metrobank Tokyo Branch or Metrobank Osaka Sub-Branch. Please click here to know how to register.
    2. Upon receipt of your registration confirmation, you may choose any of the following method in sending your remittance payment.


    • Easy Postal Remit Card ⇔ EASY WAY TO REMIT WITH A LOW CHARGE. Please click here.
    • Apply for Easy Postal Remit Card (Furikae Haraikomi Senyo). Using the Easy Postal Remit Card, send or transfer your money through Japan Post Bank’s ATM. Applicable charge is shouldered by Metrobank.
    • Service / process hours is from 08:00 to 24:00 daily.


    • Metrobank Easy Transfer Service (METS) – Please click here for details.
    • Transfers amounting to JPY 1,000,000 and above should be confirmed to Metrobank and required information should be provided by the remitter.


    • Please come visit our Tokyo Branch or Osaka Sub-Branch to transact over the counter.

    How to Register

    How to Register

    Q: How to Register?


    Registration can be done in three ways: by online registration, visiting our branch personally, or by postal mail.
    You will be required to fill-out our New Registration Form and present your valid ID to be photocopied and verified by our bank staff.
    For foreigners, we require Residence Card (Zairyu Card).
    (For Japanese, Drivers License, Health Insurance Card, etc)
    For registration, following information is necessary;
    Remitter: Name, Address, Date of Birth supported by valid ID as well other relevant information and contact details.
    Beneficiary information: Name, Address, Phone No, Account information (if with bank account)
    (Bank, Branch, Account number and other relevant information)

    1. Online Registration
    2. The online registration is a convenient way to sign up by using the digital form on our website. It is a simple and efficient process that saves you time and effort as you do not have to physically visit a location or send in a form by postal mail. Additionally, registering online is often available 24/7, meaning that you can sign up at any time that is convenient for you.

      Apply Now

    3. Over the counter (OTC)
    4. Come and visit our branch in Tokyo or sub-branch in Osaka.

      Please bring your valid prescribed ID and after filling out our form, you will be issued your confirmation list after necessary steps and registration (we may request additional information/documents and it may take time) and you can send money thereafter (amount restrictions may apply).

    5. Registration by Mail
    6. Please send the following documents
      (All documents can be downloaded from here.)

      1. Application form (Overseas Remittance Application Registration and Declaration)
      2. ID Submission Form:
        1. Copy of Residence Card/Zairyu Card (Front and Back)
        2. Other ID/Supplemental documents indicating current address
        3. Note 1: For details please refer to the backside of the ID Submission Form
          Note 2: For Health Insurance Card please mask (cover) Insurance Identification Number

      After we receive the application with the photocopies of all the necessary supporting identification cards/documents, we will register your name and relevant information (note) and send your confirmation list. The confirmation list and other relevant documents will be sent by non-transferrable registered mail thereafter. You can start using remittance services only after you have received the confirmation list.

      (NOTE) We may request additional information/documents and it may take time.

    How to Add/Amend the beneficiary information or amend your personal information?

    How to Add/Amend the beneficiary information or amend your personal information?

    A: Additional Beneficiary Registration or amendment of existing beneficiary/remitters information can be done in two ways. You can either visit our branches or by mail.
    You will be required to fill-out our Additional/Amendment Registration Form with your valid ID.

    For foreigners, we require Alien Registration Card.
    For Japanese, Drivers License, Residence ID, Health Insurance Card etc.
    For registration, following information is necessary;
    Remitter: Name, Address, Phone No, Birth date and others supported by valid ID.
    Beneficiary information: Name, Address, Phone No, Account information ( Bank, Branch, Account number and others)

    1. Additional/Amendment by Online Registration
    2. The online registration is a convenient way to add beneficiaries and/or amend your information by using the digital form on our website. It is a simple and efficient process that saves you time and effort as you do not have to physically visit a location or send in a form by postal mail. Additionally, registering online is often available 24/7, meaning that you can sign up at any time that is convenient for you.

      Apply Now

    3. Over the counter (OTC)
    4. Come and visit our branch in Tokyo or sub-branch in Osaka
      Please bring your valid ID and after filling out our form, you can get your additional beneficiary’s number and you can send money to the new beneficiary at the same time.
      For amendment, we will amend your record right after we receive the application.

    5. Additional/Amendment Registration by Mail
    6. Please send the following documents (All documents can be downloaded from here.)

      a. Application form ( Additional/Amendment Form)

      b. Copy of Alien Registration Card (Front and Back) pasted on MB ID Form
      (Front and Back of the Alien Registration Card is the must.
      Without this, registration will be on pending)

    After we receive the application with the photocopies of all the necessary supporting identification cards/document, we will register your new beneficiary. The details of the registration will be sent by mail thereafter. You can start to remit your money to the new beneficiary after you receive our mail. Please be sure to indicate the correct beneficiary number in making your remittance to avoid mistake or delay in processing your transaction.

    Please click here “Proper way of Bank Transfer”

    Remittance Charges

    Remittance Charges

    Easy Postal Remit Card
    Metrobank Easy Transfer Service
    YEN to PESO
    ¥750 ¥1,000
    ¥1,200 ¥30,001
    and above
    ¥1,500 ¥50,001
    and above
    N/A ¥1,000
    and above
    YEN to YEN
    N/A ¥1,000
    + ¥1,000 Lifting Charge
    Total: ¥1,750
    + ¥1,000 Lifting Charge
    Total: ¥2,200
    and above
    ¥1,500 + Lifting Charge (0.75% of remittance amount – minimum of ¥1,000)

    *1: Credit to Metrobank, other bank accounts and Cash Pick-up
    *2: Credit to Metrobank dollar and other bank dollar accounts
    *3: Credit to Metrobank Yen account only

    Genkin Kakitome
    Over the Counter
    YEN to PESO
    N/A ¥3,000
    ¥5,000 ¥5,000
    YEN to USD
    N/A ¥3,000
    YEN to YEN
    N/A ¥3,000 + Lifting Charge (0.75% of remittance amount – minimum of ¥1,000)

    *1: Credit to Metrobank, other bank accounts and Cash Pick-Up
    *2: Opening of Philippine based Peso accounts
    *3: Credit to Metrobank dollar and other bank dollar accounts
    *4: Credit to Metrobank yen account only

    Inward Remittance
    Yen Inward Remittance ¥1,500 + 0.05% of the remittance amount not less than ¥2,500
    USD Inward Remittance Receiving in USD:
    $20.00 + 1% of the remittance amount not less than $25.00
    Receiving in YEN:

    Other Fees and Charges
    TYPE Philippine Remittance
    Amendment Fee (Tracer) ¥1,000
    Remittance Certification ¥1,000/year
    Courier Charge ¥5,000
    EPRC (Card Reissuance) ¥500/card
    EPRC (from 6th card owner) ¥500/card
    DAR (Debit Account Request) ¥5,000

    Tokyo Branch & Osaka Sub-Branch Accounts
    Account Statement ¥100

    Rate Disclaimer

    Rate Disclaimer

    Foreign exchange rates to be applied to overseas remittances may be changed by Metrobank without prior notice, depending on the market fluctuation.

    Early Morning exchange rate is shown until 10:30. After 10:30, Today’s exchange rate is shown.

    How to Visit

    How to Visit

    Operation in Japan and the locations

    Operation hours

    • • Monday to Friday:
    • • 9:00AM to 3:00PM
    • Closed on Holidays
    • • Saturday, Sunday, National holidays including banking holidays
    • Tokyo Branch Map

      • 5 minutes walk from Otemachi Sta. Exit C2b (Tokyo Metro & Toei Subway)
      • 5 minutes walk from Takebashi Sta. Exit 3b (Tokyo Metro)
      • 7 minutes walk from Ogawamachi Sta. Exit 7B (Toei Subway)
      • 7 minutes walk from Kanda Sta. West Exit (JR Line)

      TEL: 03-5281-7281
      FAX: 03-5281-7282
      1F Kandabashi Park Bldg.
      1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
      Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054

      Osaka Sub-branch Map

      • 2 minutes walk from Sakaisuji Sta. Exit 15・17 (Sakaisuji Subway Line)
      • 7 minutes walk from Hommachi Sta. Exit 3・4 (Midosuji Subway Line)

      TEL: 06-7711-1315
      FAX: 06-7709-9243
      3F Osaka Kokusai Building
      2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
      Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0052

      Financial Alternative Dispute Resolution

      Japanese Bankers Association (JBA) [Zenginkyo] Customer Relations Center

      The JBA Customer Relations Center is operated by the JBA as a contact point for receiving consultations and inquiries about banks and for receiving your views or complaints about banks. Consultations and inquiries, etc. are free.

      For details, go to website:

      Customers whose disputes with a bank seem insurmountable should use the “Mediation Committee”.

      For more information, contact the JBA Customer Relations Center.

      JBA Customer Relations Center
      1-3-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8216
      TEL 0570-017109 or 03-5252-3772

      * Connect at local call rates from ordinary phones and public phones.

      Available at local call rates
      • Days open: Monday to Friday (except public holidays and bank holidays)
      • Hours of opening: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

      The JBA is a designated dispute resolution institution under the Banking Act and Norinchukin Bank Law.