Metrobank is the Philippines’ premier bank.

Through the years, we have grown bigger, stronger and better. Our commitment to providing quality products and efficient service has endeared us to our clients all over the world.

The bank is a universal bank providing, on its own account and through other members of the Metrobank Group, a full range of banking and other financial services. The bank, through its expanding branch network, offers banking services throughout the Philippines, particularly to middle-market businesses and leading Philippine and multi-national corporations. Metrobank is the leading provider of trade finance in the country.

The Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company (Metrobank) is the flagship company of the Metrobank Group, the country’s largest financial conglomerate.

Metrobank Group’s subsidiaries and affiliates are: Banks, Investment Corporations, Leasing & Finance Co., Insurance Corporations, Securities Corp., Credit Card Co. and Traveling Co. etc.

Metrobank has over 630 local and international branches and offices under its aegis, and outside the Philippines, it has branches, offices and subsidiaries in USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Korea, Singapore, China (including Hong Kong) and Taiwan.

Of the services we offer, the following are particularly utilized in Japan.

USD Medium and Long-term LoansMostly handled by Metrobank Tokyo for large corporations
Philippine RemittancesHandled by Metrobank Tokyo and Osaka for individuals and corporations
Various Commercial and Investment Banking Services in the PhilippinesHandled by Metrobank Philippines’ investment bank, First Metro, for small, medium, and large corporations

We provide banking services to Japanese corporations under business tie-ups with government financial institutions or Japanese regional local banks.