Exchange Rate ??-???-????  (Disclaimer)


Morning exchange rate is shown until 10:30AM. After 10:30AM, Today’s exchange rate is shown.

Important Announcement

Discontinuance of Quick Padala SMBC Cash Card (QP)

Please be advised that Quick Padala SMBC Cash Card (QP) shall be discontinued effective on March 23, 2022. We appreciate your kind support for using QP.

Relative to this, we would like to take this opportunity introduce to cheaper alternative ways to remit. Like Quick Padala, you may still remit even on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.

We suggest that you switch to one of the services above as soon as possible to avoid delay in processing of your remittances.

【Details of Quick Padala Discontinuance】

  1. Service will discontinue effective on March 23, 2022 (Wednesday). Starting March 24th (Thursday), all QP card(s) will stop operating.
  2. Other Notes:
    1. Returning your QP card(s) is not mandatory with the cancellation of the contract. If you dispose the QP card(s), please be sure to cut the card and dispose properly.
    2. In addition, with termination of the delivering of “Metrobank Quick Padala”, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) will not send you the document (questionnaire) for the customer information reconfirmation which we announce on our website on July 26, 2021 in “SMBC –QUICK PADALA users”.

Thank you for your continuous patronage.

For any inquiries, please call us at:

Metrobank Tokyo Branch and Metrobank Osaka Sub-branch

Tokyo Branch: Osaka Sub-branch:
Tel: 03-5281-7281 Tel: 06-7711-1315
Fax: 03-5281-7282 Fax: 06-7709-9243
1F Kandabashi Park Bldg. 1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho, 3F Osaka Kokusai Building, 2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 Chuou-ku, Osaka 541-0052