Exchange Rate ??-???-????  (Disclaimer)


Morning exchange rate is shown until 10:30AM. After 10:30AM, Today’s exchange rate is shown.


To Our Valued Remitters

In light of operational requirement to ensure correctness, validity and consistency of information among related registration (in order to avoid wrong transactions, e.g. to wrong beneficiary) and the recent stricter global regulatory requirements, please be reminded to always update your registered information with Metrobank Japan Branches to avoid unnecessary delay in processing your remittance.

Please ensure that the following basic mandatory information is updated prior to sending your remittance:

  1. Remitter Information:
    • Name
    • Address / Contact Information
    • Work / Occupation Information
    • Valid Prescribed ID
  2. Beneficiary Information:
    • Name
    • Address / Contact Information
    • Bank Account Details (if not CPU)

The bank may put on hold any remittance transaction due to incomplete, erroneous or non-updated registered information until full compliance to bank requirements. In addition, the bank shall not be liable for delays, damages or losses incurred due to incomplete, erroneous or non-updated registered information.

Please contact us for further details.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Metrobank Tokyo Branch and Metrobank Osaka Sub-branch

Tokyo Branch: Osaka Sub-branch:
Tel: 03-5281-7281 Tel: 06-7711-1315
Fax: 03-5281-7282 Fax: 06-7709-9243
1F Kandabashi Park Bldg. 1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho, 3F Osaka Kokusai Building, 2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 Chuou-ku, Osaka 541-0052