Please ensure the completeness and validity of all documents for your application.
In case the bank receives an incomplete and /or non- compliant document/s and subsequently the bank does not receive the required documents for completion and /or compliance even after a follow up has been made through telephone call, SMS, email or letter by postal mail, the bank shall carefully shred and dispose all documents received 30 calendar days after the date of the relevant follow up was made by the bank.
For New Remitters
- New Registration Online →
- New Registration Postal Mail →
For Existing Remitters
- Remitter ID Update →
- Beneficiary Add / Amend →
- Delete Registration → Beneficiary →
- Remittance Amend or Cancel →
- Remittance Certificate Request →
- Issue/Replace EPRC → METS →
New Registration
Online Registration
Register online on your mobile phone or PC for a convenient, fast, easy, and paperless process that is available 24/7. Just prepare your information, beneficiary details, and 2 valid IDs.
Postal Mail Registration
The forms are downloadable here. Fill in all necessary information, print the forms, affix your signature, attach a clear copy of your ID (front and back), and send to the address of your registered Metrobank Japan branch below. Also, pasting our Address Sheet on the envelope will help you save postage fees as no stamp will be necessary when mailing.
Necessary Documents
- Overseas Remittance Application and Declaration
- ID Submission Form
- Valid IDs (Please provide 2 IDs with Present Address)
- Japanese NationalsEx.
Driver’s License + Health Insurance Card
(both sides) - Foreign NationalsEx.
Residence Card + Health Insurance Card
(both sides)
- Address Sheet for Envelope No stamp/postage is necessary if pasted on an envelope.
Mailing Address
- Tokyo Branch1F Kandabashi Park Bldg.
1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 - Osaka Sub-branch3F Osaka Kokusai Building
2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0052
Our Remittance Services
For Existing Remitters
ID Update / Remitter Information Update
Update your information online, by email, or by postal mail.
Update Online
Update your information and upload your ID photos fast and easy with your mobile phone or PC with our Online Registration. For your added convenience, mobile phone users can also take a photo of their ID to upload directly for an even smoother process.
Update by Email
To update your information by email, please see our Information Update page for more details.
Update by Postal Mail
Download the "Request for updating your registered information" form and fill in all necessary information. Print the documents, attach a clear copy of your ID (front and back), and send to the address of your registered Metrobank Japan branch below. Also, pasting our Address Sheet on the envelope will help you save postage fees as no stamp will be necessary when mailing. Download forms here
Mailing Address
- Tokyo Branch1F Kandabashi Park Bldg.
1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 - Osaka Sub-branch3F Osaka Kokusai Building
2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0052
Addition / Amendment
Add beneficiaries or update your existing beneficiary information online or by postal mail.
Add/Amend Online
Add beneficiaries or update your existing beneficiary information fast and easy with your mobile phone or PC with our Online Registration. Please prepare a valid ID beforehand for a smooth registration process.
Add/Amend by Postal Mail
Download the forms below and fill the necessary information. Print the forms, affix your signature, attach a clear copy of your ID (front and back), and send to the address of your registered Metrobank Japan branch below. Also, pasting our Address Sheet on the envelope will help you save postage fees as no stamp will be necessary when mailing. Download here
Necessary Documents
- Overseas Remittance Application and Declaration
- Request for Updating Your Registered Information
- Valid ID (Please provide 1 ID with present address)
- Japanese NationalsEx.
Driver’s License (both sides) - Foreign Nationals
Residence Card (both sides)
- Address Sheet for Envelope No stamp/postage is necessary if pasted on an envelope.
Mailing Address
- Tokyo Branch1F Kandabashi Park Bldg.
1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 - Osaka Sub-branch3F Osaka Kokusai Building
2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0052
Delete/Cancel Registration
Submit the forms listed below to cancel your registration.
Download the forms below and fill the necessary information. Print the forms, affix your signature, attach a clear copy of your ID (front and back), and send to the address of your registered Metrobank Japan branch below. Also, pasting our Address Sheet on the envelope will help you save postage fees as no stamp will be necessary when mailing.
Necessary Documents
- Request for Cancellation of Registration
- Request for Updating Your Registered Information
- Valid ID (Please provide 1 ID with present address)
- Japanese NationalsEx.
Driver’s License (both sides) - Foreign Nationals
Residence Card (both sides)
- Address Sheet for Envelope No stamp/postage is necessary if pasted on an envelope.
Mailing Address
- Tokyo Branch1F Kandabashi Park Bldg.
1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 - Osaka Sub-branch3F Osaka Kokusai Building
2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0052
Deletion of Beneficiary
Submit the forms listed below to delete your beneficiary.
Download the forms below and fill the necessary information. Print the forms, affix your signature, attach a clear copy of your ID (front and back), and send to the address of your registered Metrobank Japan branch below. Also, pasting our Address Sheet on the envelope will help you save postage fees as no stamp will be necessary when mailing.
Necessary Documents
- Beneficiary Deletion Form
- Request for Updating Your Registered Information
- Valid ID (Please provide 1 ID with present address)
- Japanese NationalsEx.
Driver’s License (both sides) - Foreign Nationals
Residence Card (both sides)
- Address Sheet for Envelope No stamp/postage is necessary if pasted on an envelope.
Mailing Address
- Tokyo Branch1F Kandabashi Park Bldg.
1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 - Osaka Sub-branch3F Osaka Kokusai Building
2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0052
Remittance Amendment or Cancellation
To amend or cancel your remittance, you will be required to submit the documents listed below and will incur a service charge. The service charge will depend on the type of amendment requested. Please contact us by phone or email first so that we can confirm the details and give guidance accordingly. After doing so, we will mail the forms to you. Kindly fill in the necessary information, affix your signature, then send it to the mailing address below.
*For urgent cases, please visit our Tokyo Branch or Osaka Sub-branch.
Regarding Service Charges
The service charge may differ depending on the situation. Please contact us first by phone or email.
Kindly mail your payment along with the documents listed below through Cash Registered Mail (Genkin Kakitome) to the address below. The Cash Registered Mail fee will be charged to you. For refunds, alternatively, it is also possible to subtract the service charges directly from the total refund amount.
Necessary Documents
- Application for Amendment and Cancellation of Remittance
- Request for Updating Your Registered Information
- Valid ID (Please provide 1 ID with present address)
- Japanese NationalsEx.
Driver’s License (both sides) - Foreign Nationals
Residence card (both sides)
- Service Charge AmountWill depend on the amendment type (1,000 – 3,000 Yen)
- Cash Registered Mail (Genkin Kakitome)Metrobank with provide this for you. (The Cash Registered Mail fee will be charged to you)
Mailing Address
- Tokyo Branch1F Kandabashi Park Bldg.
1-19-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 - Osaka Sub-branch3F Osaka Kokusai Building
2-3-13 Azuchi-machi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0052
Remittance Certificate Request
Request for issuance of remittance certificate can be done through email or postal mail.
*If urgent, kindly visit Tokyo Branch or Osaka Sub-branch.
Issue / Replace
EPRC Issuance / Replacement (For Registered Clients)
Registered remitters may request for issuance / replacement of the EPRC card through email or postal mail.
*If urgent, kindly visit Tokyo Branch or Osaka Sub-branch.
METS Issuance (For Registered Clients)
Registered remitters may request for issuance of METS through email or postal mail.
*If urgent, kindly visit Tokyo Branch or Osaka Sub-branch.